

DD.004 Inertial effects in suspension dynamics
Ganesh Subramanian (School of chemical and bio-molecular engineering, Cornell University), John Brady (Department of chemical engineering, California Institute of Technology)
DD.005 Hydrodynamics particle interactions at moderate Reynolds number
Robert E. Ecke, Michael K. Rivera, W. Brent Daniel (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
DD.006 Hydrodynamic interactions in the evolution of a finite particle packet
W. Brent Daniel, Michael K. Rivera, Robert E. Ecke (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
DD.007 Pattern formation in a rotating suspension of non-Brownian settling particles
Robert Matson, Bruce Ackerson, Penger Tong (Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University)
DD.008 Growth rates of band formation in a rotating suspension of non-Brownian settling particles
Daniel Bergman, Robert Matson, Penger Tong, Bruce Ackerson (Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University)