



blood work (2002)

「人との出会い、不連続な成長が作るキャリアパス - 伊藤 直也」 @mochio

「社会的絆によって形成される社会ネットワークにおいては、 古くからの友人といった、自分にとって強い絆で結ばれている人物よりも、 ちょっとした知り合いのような弱い絆で結ばれた人物のほうが、自分に与える影響が大きい」 「君子の交はりは淡きこと水の…

Physics Today 10 月号届く

かのノーベル賞受賞者の Frank Wilczek の力学は難しかったという話し 既視感があるが、 on-line で読んでたのかな? (偉そうにも) そうそうと思った

物理学会誌、 日本 -> JHU -> UWO

9/2004: 国内誌ネタ、巻頭言と小特集 お金の話しが、 philosophy の話と、自分の中で何かうまく噛み合っていない 地域 (地元) 振興の話しと、 science が本質的に borderless であることは、 どう折り合いを付けるのか 特に日本で今後起こるだろう大学教員ポ…


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river runs through it


EST が、なかなかよい

brad mehdlau よりちょっと明るめという感じ 6/15/2008: (訃報)Esbjoern Svensson

tpr51 を 5.3R に upgrade

APS/DFD04 の出席分のリストを抜き出した


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アメリカでは thanksgiving

seattle 観光


NP.001 Splitting a Jet

Srinivas Paruchuri, Michael Brenner (HarvardUniversity)NP.002 Breakup of Electrified Jets R. T. Collins, M. T. Harris, O. A. Basaran (School ofEngineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907,USA)NP.003 Controlled CapillaryInstabilit…

NN.001 Rheology and instabilities ofthermally responsive polymer solutions in microfluidicsystems

Boris Stoeber (Dept. of Chemical Engineering), DorianLiepmann (Dept. of Bioengineering), Susan Muller (Dept. ofChemical Engineering, UC Berkeley)NN.002 A simple paradigm for active andnonlinear microrheology Todd Squires (Caltech Applied M…

NB.001 Diffuse interface modelling ofmicron-size droplet impact on a solid surface

Vinayak Khatavkar, Patrick Anderson, Han Meijer(Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)NB.002 Numerical insights of drop impacts onhydrophobic surfaces Christophe Josserand, St駱hane Zaleski (Laboratoire deMod鬧亙sation en M鬥…

MH.001 An experimental and numericalinvestigation of thin film flow in an axially rotatinghorizontal cylinder: Part II.

Keary A. Lay, William W. Schultz, Marc Perlin(University of Michigan)MH.003 Surface Wave Structure and HeatTransfer of Falling Film Flows along a Vertical Wall withArtificial Oscillation Chiaki Kino, Tomoaki Kunugi, Akimi Serizawa (KyotoUn…

LB.001 Optimal Vortex Formation as a UnifyingPrinciple in Biological Propulsion

Morteza (Mory) Gharib (California Institute ofTechnology)

KP.001 Apparent contact angles for anevaporating partially-wetting meniscus predicted and comparedwith existing experiments.

S. J. S. Morris (Mechanical Engineering, U. C.Berkeley)KP.002 Atomistic simulation of an evaporatingmeniscus Jonathan Freund (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,UIUC)KP.003 A continuum-atomistic multi-scalesimulation of moving contact-lines…

APS-DFD04 最終日 ( 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999)

JC.001 Transport in Microscale SegmentedFlow

Axel Guenther, Klavs F. Jensen (MIT, ChemicalEngineering)JC.002 Chaotic mixing in microdropets: Theoryand Experiment Vivek Sharma (Center for Nonlinear Science and School ofPhysics; School of Polymer, Fiber and Textile Engineering;Georgia …

JF.001 Coupling Internal and ExternalMechanics of Swimming Organisms

Lisa Fauci (Tulane University)JF.002 Flow modes and modulation in copepodgenerated flows Houshuo Jiang (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), J.Rudi Strickler (WATER Institute, University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee)JF.003 How can swimming mi…

JD.001 Memories of Bill Reynolds and of hiscontributions to hydrodynamic stability. A new instability thatBill would have enjoyed hearing about.

Andreas Acrivos (City College of CUNY)

HB2.002 Refreshment Break

HA1.001 Dynamics of Segregation, Mixing, andCoarsening of Granular Matter

Julio M. Ottino (Northwestern University)

GC.001 Carbon nanotubes in liquid suspension:Electric-field-induced alignment and opticalanisotropy

Jerry W. Shan, Matthew Brown, Chen Lin (RutgersUniversity)GC.002 Optical Microscope Study of LiquidTransport in Carbon Nanotubes Haim Bau, Byong Kim, Sinha Shashank, Michael Riegelman(University of Pennsylvania)GC.003 Capillary filling ofn…

GB.001 Experimental study of millimeter-sizedbubbles in a vertical pipe flow

Ying Hang Tsang, Donald Koch (Cornell University), AshokSangani (Syracuse University)GB.002 Why do oblate bubbles rising in shearflows migrate in the ``wrong'' direction Jacques Magnaudet (CNRS/IMFT)GB.003 Motion of long gas bubbles in cha…

GK.001 Collective diffusion in shearedsuspension

Alexander Leshansky, John Brady (Division of Chemistryamp; Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, CA 91125)GK.002 Migration of Buoyant Mono- andBi-disperse Suspensions in Low Reynolds Number Pressure-DrivenPipe …