Physics Today を見返していて、 Dirk ter Haar の追悼文を読んだ
引用 (この追悼文の著者には leggett が入ってる) :His policy with graduate research was to throw his students into the deep end: He would assign a broad topic such as "problems in the theory of collective behavior" and leave it up to his students to not only solve the thesis problems, but to come up with the problems in the first place. At the same time, he was extremely solicitous about the well-being of his students and their families, ... In particular, many of his students from other countries looked up to him as a surrogate father.
最初見た時はやりすごしていたんだが、 この ter Haar って、みすずの解析力学のテル・ハールであった (若い写真が裏表紙のカバーにあった)
← 2/27/2004, 12/15/2003 →