

searching some information of LADSPA

  • I was just thinking it would be fun if pv in WaoN is a plugin. but all sample codes are for the symmetric in/out, that is, the frames for input and output are same. Of course, time-strech effect is, so to say, asymmetric filter (that's the heart).

  • after looking into Linux Audio Development ML, finally I found the post "Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA port buffer sizes":

    Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA port buffer sizes
    From: Tim Goetze (tim_AT_quitte.de)
    Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 04:18:22 EET

    Simon Burton wrote:

    >Suppose I have a "resample" plugin, so that it outputs more or less
    >data than it inputs. It seems to me that LADSPA cannot support this,
    >as the SampleCount argument to the "run" member would suggest that
    >exactly this many LADSPA_Data items are produced/consumed in all the
    >(audio) ports.
    >Is this the case? If so, is there a workaround? I have tried looking
    >at rate_shifter_1417, but, err, hmmmm (scratches bum, picks nose.)

    yes, that is the case. and no, there is no workaround. LADSPA simply
    isn't designed to accomodate anything but "n frames in, n frames out".

